2 years ago Newest Entry

New Laravel Route “Missing” Metho...

With the release of Laravel v8.26.0, the Router has a new missing() method for a convenient way to handle missing records when using route model binding. ``` A new Route::()…->missing() method ships in today's Laravel release. Contributed by @hotmeteor … check out the docs here! https://t.co/gdhOAeJ3...
3 years ago

The 6 Stages of Spam Protection

Launching and maintaining an increasingly popular forum requires nonstop attention on the developer’s part. Sure, the initial forum launch went smoothly enough. And why wouldn’t it? Nobody outside of your immediate circle knows it even exists. At this stage, assuming the “happy path” is sufficient en...
3 years ago

Larawel Uses...

I often joke that, at my funeral, someone will ask, "Which syntax theme did he use?" Pick any Larawel lesson and you’re bound to find at least one comment that ignores the subject matter of the video entirely, and instead focuses on what’s most important to us all: what theme and font is that? I’ve p...